Sunday, December 27, 2009

"Keep Breathing"

Courtney Jean Stevenson 1986-2009

On December 17, 2009 the world lost a very special person. Courtney was taken from this earth way too soon. She is now in heaven with her mom, who passed away last October from breast cancer.

Courtney had this way about her. She made me smile and laugh when I was going through rough times. Whether it was a quick chat on fb or one of her hilarious videos that made me laugh out loud. Courtney encouraged me without even knowing it because I never got to tell her. I want to thank you now, Courtney. You have inspired me to be more positive no matter what I am going through. I won't ever forget you.

Some notes I wrote to Courtney on various sites honoring Courtney's memory:
"I have known Courtney since middle school. We rode the bus together and she lived a few blocks away. I wasn't real close with her but had just started talking with her after her mom passed. We were supposed to hang out a few times and we never did. She was an amazing, funny girl. She was really talented and loved taking pictures. She loved Ingrid Michaelson & Sarah Bareilles. I pray for her dad, her sister and her daughter who are now left behind. I know Courtney, you are now with your mom. I love and miss you Courtney. You'll never know how you impacted my life from just the little time I knew you."

You are so missed. Words cannot express the way you touched my life from the small period of time we talked. I wish we could have gotten to know each other better. I cannot imagine what those who were closest to you are going through. I just want you to know that you will never be forgotten and I want everyone to know the Courtney who encouraged me with your strength without even knowing it. I know you have finally found peace and you are with your mom again. I miss you deeply. love you."

"I want you to know that you impacted my life greatly in just the little time I talked with you. I wish I had gone to Ingrid with you. I really wanted to get to know you better. I also wish we had gone to Sips &Strokes but we never got to. You were an awesome person. I miss you and our little conversations. You will never know how much you encouraged me with your strength. I am saddened I didn't get to know you better but am thankful you were in my life in the small way you were. I know you are with your mom now. I am praying for your dad, your sister, Grace, your family and friends. love you."

" I am still thinking about you Courtney. still praying. I'm not even sure why this is affecting me as much as this is given we weren't that close. But that just goes to show how much your amazing spirit touched so many people. I can't believe this is real. I know you were well loved. I know you can see how many people you touched from heaven and I know you are smiling. miss you."

Ingrid Michaelson was one of Courtney's favorite artist. She is most famous for her song, "Be Ok". One of Courtney's favorite song of Ingrid's was "Keep Breathing". I learned that this song kept Courtney going after her mom passed. She wanted to get the words, "Keep Breathing" tattooed on her right wrist. In honor of Courtney, January 11th will be "Be Ok Day" from now on. Everyone will write Ingrid lyrics on their wrist. The day after Courtney passed, over 50 people submitted pictures of "Keep Breathing" written on their bodies somewhere. Mine is below.

Ingrid Michaelson twittered this after hearing about Courtney's death. Courtney was Ingrid's #1 fan.

This video is "Winter Song" by Ingrid Michaelson & Sara Bareilles (2 of Courtney's favorite artists). The lyrics in this song hit home and describe exactly how I & many others feel.

"Keep Breathing"

"Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows." - Pope Paul VI

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