Thursday, December 02, 2010


It's been awhile since I've posted something on here. Lately, I've been playing around with a bunch of ideas for stuff that I can hopefully sell on Etsy. I've been having too much fun printing out coupons for Hobby Lobby & Michael's and spending entirely too much time walking down their aisles...looking for ideas, inspirations, some little trinket yelling, "use me and turn me into something beautiful", anything. Here's my first (of many to come) attempt...

napkin rings.

...made from unfinished, wooden rings you can buy at any craft store...spray painted... & vintage buttons applied with hot glued.
the idea and inpiration came from one of my favorite bloggers, Kelle Hampton (

1 comment:

Adventures in our army life said...

FINALLY a post!!! haha!! Love them..cant wait to be your first customer!